So many times in an open portrait studio setting its requested that the model removes his or her glasses. Followed by the comment, "Because it's so hard to draw glasses." Well, first you will never become good at drawing glasses if you don't practice. (Or anything else for that matter).
Second, glasses clearly reveal exactly how the head is placed in space. If you follow the front of the eyeglass frame where the lenses are and compare that angle to the temples (arms), you can have the head's perspective laid down quickly. The hinge of the frame can assist in deciding what the front plane and side plane features are.
In the diagram below, I used the hinge of the glasses to separate the front and side plane of the head. Based on the angle of the arm of the eyeglasses a cube in perspective can be established. Proportional divisions can be places if need be. I didn't physically draw a cube on my paper, but when observing the model, I superimpose the cube in my mind's eye.
This portrait is rather tame with its perspective. The more the head is tilted in space, the more you'll appreciate having the model wear their glasses.
Another thing to consider is that if you're going for a true likeness of a person find out if they wear glasses full time or only some of the time. Some people look completely different with and without their glasses. Eyeglasses can become part of someone's identity and character. Choosing to remove them can make an otherwise "correct" drawing still appear off in its attempt for a likeness.
Medium: Stabilo CarbOthello Pastel Pencil & General's Charcoal White
Paper: Strathmore Toned Tan
Dimensions: 11x14 inches.
Status: Available
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